
Backstage Pass (The Backstage Pass Rock Star Romance Book 1)

146 208

This book is also part of the complete BACKSTAGE PASS box set., Not only was I positive that this was not the room where I???d lose my V-card, but I knew it would never be to a musician. , Not with what I knew about bad boy rock stars. , Kerri had other plans for me, and when his eyes locked on mine, I knew I was in for a run for my money. , And when a family emergency sent me running home, I was forced to make a decision. Left or right. No matter the way, it was about time I embraced my decision and just rode the ride.

Mrp : 208
Deposit : 156
Base Price : 14.56
No. Of Days

Owner : Available : Out Of stock Genre : Fiction & Non-Fiction | Quality : Medium

Languages : English | Age Group : Adult


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