
Mr. Mann: The afterlife and times of the Devil’s Acquisitor ad Infinitum (Those who fell Book 1)

7203 10289

My name is Marten Mann. I work for the Devil, or The Prince of Lies, as you people are so fond of calling him. Yes. You read that last line correctly. I am employed by the Powers of Evil as Acquisitor Ad Infinitum. Catchy, huh? To put it in simpler terms, I am a broker of sorts. You know, the guy who finds out what it is that you want the most. I make it readily available to you for a price. I think we all know just how costly that one thing that you think you need so much can be. Which is why I urge all of my clients to choose wisely.

Mrp : 10289
Deposit : 7716.75
Base Price : 720.23
No. Of Days

Owner : Available : Out Of stock Genre : Fiction & Non-Fiction | Quality : Medium

Languages : English | Age Group : Adult


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