
Appointment with Death (Poirot)

167 238

Lord Comstock is a barbarous newspaper tycoon with enemies in high places. His murder in the study of his country houseposes a dilemma for the Home Secretary. In the hours before his death, Lord Comstock�s visitors included the government Chief Whip, an Archbishop, and the Assistant Commissioner for Scotland Yard. Suspicion falls upon them all and threatens the impartiality of any police investigation. Abandoning protocol, the Home Secretary invites four famous detectives to solve the case: Mrs Adela Bradley, Sir John Saumarez, Lord Peter Wimsey, and Mr Roger Sheringham. All are different, all are plausible, all are on their own � and none of them can ask a policeman�

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Mrp : 238
Deposit : 178.5
Base Price : 16.66
No. Of Days

Owner : Available : Out Of stock Genre : Fiction & Non-Fiction | Quality : Medium

Languages : English | Age Group : Adult


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