
They Do It with Mirrors: Book 6 (Marple)

185 264

A man is shot at in a juvenile reform home � but someone else dies�Miss Marple senses danger when she visits a friend living in a Victorian mansion which doubles as a rehabilitiation centre for delinquents. Her fears are confirmed when a youth fires a revolver at the administrator, Lewis Serrocold. Neither is injured. But a mysterious visitor, Mr Gilbrandsen, is less fortunate � shot dead simultaneously in another part of the building.Pure coincidence? Miss Marple thinks not and vows to discover the real reason for Mr Gilbrandsen�s visit.

Mrp : 264
Deposit : 198
Base Price : 18.48
No. Of Days

Owner : Available : Out Of stock Genre : Fiction & Non-Fiction | Quality : Medium

Languages : English | Age Group : Adult


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