
180 Days of Writing for Sixth Grade: Practice, Assess, Diagnose (180 Days of Practice)

1208 1725

180 Days of Writing is an easy-to-use resource that will teach sixth grade students to become efficient writers. Each two-week unit covers one writing standard centered on high-interest themes. Through daily practice that is easy to implement, students will strengthen their language and grammar skills while practicing the steps of the writing process including prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. Helpful tools are provided to help teachers differentiate instruction and for formative assessment. These standards-based activities correlate to state standards and College and Career Readiness.

Mrp : 1725
Deposit : 1293.75
Base Price : 120.75
No. Of Days

Owner : Available : Out Of stock Genre : Fiction & Non-Fiction | Quality : Medium

Languages : English | Age Group : Adult


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