
Scandal’s Bride

819 1170

Marry in haste???, Lady Gwendolyn Pettigrew longs to be a mother, but refuses to marry the lecherous old fool her father has found for her. When her best friend convinces her to consider her husband???s younger brother as a suitable candidate, Gwen agrees to a marriage of convenience, hoping against hope that her dream of becoming a mother will have a chance. , The Hon. John Montague, a penniless younger son, is handsome, witty, and thrilled that a woman with a dowry has agreed to wed him. Best of all she???s a fiercely independent bluestocking, a woman who won???t want to bother with a family. Because John has a shocking secret. He???s vowed never to bring a child into the world, a child who, like his own mother, might carry the strain of madness., As secrets unfold, tension grows, threatening the fragile bonds they???ve forged. Worse, someone wants them to abandon their home and leave Yorkshire, and they???ll stop at nothing to make it happen.

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Mrp : 1170
Deposit : 877.5
Base Price : 81.9
No. Of Days

Owner : Available : Out Of stock Genre : Fiction & Non-Fiction | Quality : Medium

Languages : English | Age Group : Adult


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