The Laws of Athletics; Showing How to Preserve and Improve Health, Strength and Beauty, and to Correct Personal Defects Caused by Want of Physical … the Systems and Opinions of the Champion Ath
This historic book may have numerous typos, missing text or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1880. Not illustrated. Excerpt: … DESIGNEB AND MANUFACTURER OP EVER? DESCRIPTION OF STATIONARY AND PORTABLE GYMNASTIC AND ATHLETIC APPARATUS, Fourth Avenue and Twenty-third St., .XV M. C. A. Building, New York. TEACHER IN GYMNASTICS, CALISTHENICS AND PHYSICAL. EXEBCISES. PEDESTKIANS AND OAKSMEN SHOULD USE Wood’s Embrocation, IT WILL HARDEN AND PREVENT THE HANDS AND FEET FROM I BLISTERING”–IT IS THE BEST OF ALL REMEDIES. PE1CE, WITH FULL DIRECTIONS, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE. Sold by all Druggists, and at the Gymnasium, 4th Avenue, corner of 23d Street, – New York. PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK. The Publishers, upon receipt of the price, will send any of the following books, postage free, to any part of the United States. In ordering books, the full name, post-office, county and State, shoulil be plainly written. The American Hoyle; or, Gentleman’s Hancl Book of Games. Containing all the Games played in the United States, with rules, descriptions and technicalities, adapted to the American methods of playing. By Trumps. Thirteenth Edition; Illustrated with numerous diagrams and engravings. This work is designed and acknowledged as an authority on all games as played in America, being a guide to the correct methods of playing, and an arbiter on all disputed points. In each of the previous editions, the work was subjected to careful revision and correction; but this, the Thirteenth Edition, Is Entirely New, and re-written from the latest reliable sources. It includes an exhaustive treatise on Whist, with all the latest essays on the modern game, by Clay, Pole, Drayson, &c, &c. Also, a lucid description of all the games now in vogue in America, with the laws that govern them, revised and corrected to conform to present usages; and embraces an elaborate and practical analysis of the Doctrine of Chances. 12…
Owner : Available : Out Of stock Genre : Creativity/ Childrens Book | Quality : Medium
Languages : English | Age Group : Adult
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