
Positive Mindset: Change your mind and be more successful

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Categories:, SKU: 15865

Staying ???Positive??? is not always easy, in our lives, we come through different challenges that are bringing to us many different emotions., Having a positive mindset will help both your body and your soul, it will also help your life and make it even more successful., It???s not this book that will help you change your mind or the way you handle different situations but your own personal power that you as an individual have. See, every single human being has so much power inside! When I was little I was reading an article about a mother whose little baby was trapped in a truck and the mother after realizing what happened she ran right away to the truck grabbed it and save her little baby. This little example shows you that you HAVE the power to change yourself and overcome every life struggle., The true aim of this book is to give you some advice that will hopefully wake you and your inner power up. Sometimes when bad emotions manipulate our acts we tend to forget how easy is to overcome them and find our real selves. Always keep in mind that noone, not you nor me, was born bad, sad, addicted or angry and you have the ability to do everything, even the most difficult thing: changing yourself., Do you want to know how to accept rejection? How to be authentic? How to be happier and overcome your ego? Then move to the next pages quickly!, To the most lovable creature (yes, you), Mario Athan

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Owner : Available : Out Of stock Genre : Fiction & Non-Fiction | Quality : Medium

Languages : English | Age Group : Adult


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